Who is Goddess Aradia?

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Myths Questions

Aradia is also known as the daughter of Lucifer. Aradia is a name you will often hear in neo-pagan stories; she is described as the queen of witches and moon goddess in some Wiccan narrations. She started off as an important personality in American writer Charles Godfrey Leland’s work that dates back to the late 1890s; Aradia is said to be a witch-Messiah meant to teach witchcraft to poor people so that they could find liberation from the rich and the Roman Catholic Church.

According to Leland’s version, Aradia was the daughter of a deity called Diana who was considered a force of good as the Roman goddess of the moon. However, Aradia’s father was the chief of the devils, Lucifer.

Check the full article about Aradia here.


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